I always think of Oregon as a free-spirited granola-lovin' kind of place. Some of their laws make me think there's a slight chance they might be smoking something. Just sayin'. You be the judge.
• In Stanfield, it is against the law for animals to have sex in the city limits. Does this include the city zoo breeding program?
• In Springfield, it is illegal to own a reptile within the city limits, unless you are a school or city, as a pet. Are we talking gekos or crocodiles? There's a difference.
• In Myrtle Creek, one may not box with a kangaroo. Natural consequences, people. Natural consequences will take care of this problem.
• In Klamath River, it is illegal to walk down a sidewalk and knock a snake's head off with your cane. You must be skipping and wielding a hoe.
• In Multnomah County, it's a crime for animals to bark or be annoying for more than ten minutes at a time. This basically eliminates every single animal I've ever met. But, then, I'm pretty sure I've been annoying for more than ten minutes at time, too. Once or twice.
• Frightening food fish with electricity is a crime. I'm pretty sure I don't even want to understand what this is about.
• It is illegal for a resident to have a rooster of his own. Just borrow your neighbor's. He can borrow yours. Problem solved.
• It is illegal to tightly confine a pregnant pig. It should be illegal to tightly confine any pig, but at least those crazy preggo hormones are working for someone.
• In Portland, it is a crime to keep swine within city limits for more than three days unless they're miniature pot-bellied pigs. So it seems visiting swine are okay, but only for the weekend. No extended stays. Oink.
• In Portland, if one wishes to keep homing pigeons, he must first get permission from the neighbors. "Excuse me, Mr. Smith. Can I tell you about the positives of having bird crap all over your house, car, and head?...No? Mr. Smith?"
• In Multnomah County, citizens are banned from owning non-human primates and pythons longer than eight feet. No biggie. Elephants, giraffes, and whales are still options.
• In Portland, it is a crime to dye or color baby chicks or rabbits. We've seen this in several states. People have way too much time on their hands. Just go dye the eggs like everyone else, okay?
• In Portland, carriage horses are given the day off when the temperature hits 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Good call.
• In Portland, it's a crime to bury a large animal within the city limits, and a perpetrator must dig up the carcass at his own expense. Not at the taxpayers' expense? Sillier things have been funded that way.
Come back next week when we check out Pennsylvania!
Law information source: stupidlaws.com, dumblaws.com, and realstrangelaws.com.