Dog Mom Days, one of my favorite blogs, was kind enough to invite me to participate in spreading some joy around this joint! Sometimes I'm guilty of letting the hamsters in my brain take over, so it's kind-of nice to just think about happy and choose some photos that make me feel that way. I hope they make you feel that way, too.
Pass on the happiness!
A special thanks to Ariel's Little Corner of the Internet for starting this rainbow-of--fun shin-dig! What a spectacularly fabulous happy idea!
my 8 photos of happiness
Though my own animals make me very, very happy, I've chosen a few photos that best represent the happiness my life as a pet sitter brings.
This lovely lady, posing so politely with my Jr. Pet Sitters (aka, my fabulous littles), makes me appreciate that my children sometimes sacrifice play time and endure days-long pet sitting adventures with me. My children know compassion for animals, have a tiny bit of work ethic, respect my clients' homes and furry family members, and are great helpers when it comes to play time and cuddles. I love them so, and this photo exemplifies their respect and caring for animals and for me. It makes me happy.
When I started my official super-really-real (as opposed to the neighborhood kid coming over) pet sitting business ten years ago, this dude was one of my first clients. Several cities later for both of us, we were reunited a few months ago (when this pic was taken), and though he's struggling with some health issues that make me sad, Being back together with my bud makes me happy.
This one puts a spring in my step! How can this one not make anyone happy? What made me especially happy was taking a pretty rockin' pic of a black dog...SO hard to achieve!
Not the greatest pic, but this really speaks to the love I have for my clients' pets. For me, it's never been about dropping food and heading out. We share moments and we bond, and this captures that happiness I have when I'm hanging out with my best friends.
This was an early morning game of fetch with some special pooches. Their family was one of my first clients. None of these dogs was in the family when I first started caring for their pets. We've been through passings and happy times, and a lot together. This captures the personalities of these three, how we play together, and how fun they are, which makes me happy.
This pic I took just a couple of days ago. It's gotten a bit of attention because no one (on the ENTIRE planet, it seems) has ever seen a Husky in a desert environment. It makes me happy to let people know that we love (and take good care of) Huskies in the desert (this was an early morning walk, but temps were approaching 90 degrees). This guy is a brand new client of mine, and he's had some challenges in the past, so it makes me happy to let him shine.
This one's a bit goofy, but that's me and one of my favorite chickens. Most of my clients are dogs and cats, but I have several "alternative pets," and she's one of my faves. She gives me shit sometimes, but she also lets me pick her up and cuddle her. Bonding with animals who are a bit of a challenge is so rewarding. We're solid. Happy!
One of my clients. Need I explain? Perhaps one of my favorite funny pics I've ever taken. This. Guy. Rocks.
Thanks for checking out our happy!
I'd love to tag some others, so here are the rules:
1. Thank the person that tagged you.
2. A shout-out to the originator of the fun, Ariel's Little Corner of the Internet.
3. Post 8 photos that make you happy.
4. Brief description of each picture.
5. Tag up to 10 more people.